Technology is an integral component of educating our students in the 21st Century. The goal of the Gardner Edgerton School District Technology Department is to create and support technology-rich learning environments for our students and staff. The department is dedicated to supporting the district's vision of student learning through the seamless implementation and integration of technology. The Technology Department's Instructional Technology Team works directly with our staff to assist them with integrating technology-based curricular resources and tools.

The Gardner Edgerton School District Technology Department plans, implements, and maintains the network infrastructure for eleven schools in Gardner and Edgerton, Kansas. The department also designs professional development and assists teachers with integrating technology tools into the curriculum.


The Technology Services Department does not maintain a vendor list for bidding products or services. However, we post Request for Proposals (RFP) or Request for Bids (RFB) on this website. Please reference the RFP or RFB information before contacting the Technology Services Department with an inquiry. Thank you for taking the time to learn about the district's technology products and services needs.


Technology Staff

Andy Price - Director of Technology
Ben Anderson - Network Engineer
Patrick Hayes - Systems Administrator
Joe Oglesby - Systems Software Analyst
William Hart - Systems Technician
Steven Hill - Systems Analyst
Trevor Freelove - Systems Technician
Jen Marrs - Service Desk Representative

Administrative Offices
231 E. Madison Street (physical address)
P.O. Box 97 (mailing address)
Gardner, Kansas 66030
Phone: (913) 856-2000