Pics from gr 6 lunch. Students volunteering to clean tables and one student reading.
TRMS gym is ready for fitness Friday. GO HUSKIES.
TRMS Basketball.
TRMS Cheer.
TRMS basketball.
More SIT (student improvement team) meetings at TRMS. This is grade 7.
Wednesday is our SIT (student improvement team) day. On these days we look at specific students that are not making appropriate academic games. We create a plan with a follow up to determine improved outcomes.
TRMS continues work on snow removal.
TRMS custodial staff clearing our sidewalks. One shovel of snow at a time.
TRMS Basketball.
TRMS Mrs Hutchinson library class. This is Mrs King's class.
Another day of snow removal. Thank you Hugo.
TRMS Snowman. We don't get this post often.
TRMS Cheer and Hugo cleaning. Enjoy the bow.
TRMS Friday Data Day. This is gr 6 looking at math instruction. Taking a look at curriculum that positvally impacts student learning.
TRMS Friday data day. Gr 6 is looking at reading.
Friday Fitness day. Gr 5 PE.
More pictures from the gr 6 hallway.
Mrs Hash gr 6 classroom. A GREAT DAY at TRMS.