Good morning from TRMS. Have a great day.
Early release @TRMS.
More DNA double helix
Srudying DNA double helix. Gr 7 Science.
Above and Beyond Club. 7th grade Rubband Car Contraption Competition. Great work Mr Brown.
This is last part of today's virtual tour of Auschwitz.
1 hour into our gr 6 virtual tour of Auschwitz. This is a first at TRMS and supports our curriculum.
We are approaching 45 minutes into the Auschwitz virtual tour in gr 6. I will check on the status of all gr 6 classrooms.
Pretty big day for gr 6. First ever virtual tour of Auschwitz.
It is a great night at TRMS.
Thank you to the GEHS National Honor Society and All in Blazers. They are assisting with child care.
JoCo presenters at our TRMS parent education night.
TRMS parent education. It is dinner time followed by several presentations. Child care is provided.
TRMS parent education meeting.
TRMS parent education night.
Collective efficacy has the highest potential effect size when impacting our students growth. Here is 8th grade practicing their collective efficacy as educators!
Gr 6 PLC + PD today. We are specifically looking at best practices that impact student learning. This is a resource for teachers to access.
Gr 5 PLC + PD today. We are specifically looking at best practices to impact learning in math.
Mr. Holtz class doing "Roaming Notes" about Kansas Forts... life at the Forts wasn't so easy!
TRMS early release.