TRMS early release.
10 months ago, Trail Ridge Middle
TRMS track. from Mr Essex "Several compliments were given by my workers on the great manners athletes exhibited.
10 months ago, Trail Ridge Middle
6th graders and Hugo!
10 months ago, Trail Ridge Middle
More 5th grade solar eclipse fun from earlier today!
10 months ago, Trail Ridge Middle
TRMS track meet. A few backpacks.
10 months ago, Trail Ridge Middle
TRMS track meet.
10 months ago, Trail Ridge Middle
TRMS Track Meet.
10 months ago, Trail Ridge Middle
Art students took the time during the eclipse to create shadow art!
10 months ago, Trail Ridge Middle
TRMS gr 8 solar eclipse.
10 months ago, Trail Ridge Middle
TRMS students in Mr. Skahan's class enjoying the solar eclipse today!
10 months ago, Trail Ridge Middle
TRMS Staff enjoying today's solar eclipse.
10 months ago, Trail Ridge Middle
TRMS starting the day on Monday. Almost 700 students receive this message.
10 months ago, Trail Ridge Middle
Great way for TRMS to start the day. This work was done on Friday. Always planning ahead to make a positive difference.
10 months ago, Trail Ridge Middle
Awesome students in Mrs Smith's classroom.
10 months ago, Trail Ridge Middle
TRMS 7th and 8th grade orchestra students are headed on a field trip to go watch a Kansas City Symphony rehearsal!
10 months ago, Trail Ridge Middle
TRMS PLC+ training in gr 5.
10 months ago, Trail Ridge Middle
TRMS PLC+ training in GR 5.
Trail Ridge 8th grade classes are taking a journal through the fossil record. Student Learning involving student engagement, student discussion and student discovery. #PLC+#researched-based-instruction.
10 months ago, Trail Ridge Middle
Gardner Edgerton Resource Fair.
10 months ago, Trail Ridge Middle
Gardner Edgerton Resource Fair
10 months ago, Trail Ridge Middle
Gardner Edgerton Student Rrsource Fair.
10 months ago, Trail Ridge Middle