TRMS gaga ball during 5th grade recess.

Camp Encourage is exclusively for kids and teens with autism. Find some pictures of a TRMS student. April is Autism Acceptance month.

Mrs. Taylor's 5th grade class reviewed decimal operations using a mystery math activity today!

TRMS blood drive on Wednesday, April 19th.

Mrs. Gore's class working on their Math Tier & soaking up the sunshine ☀️
It's a great day to be a Husky! 💙

Thank you to the Gardner Edgerton Foundation. TRMS now has three calming rooms that students can acces as needed.

Thank you to the Gardner Edgerton Foundation. TRMS now has three calming rooms that students can acces as needed.

TRMS fresh blueberries for lunch. Pretty awesome salad bar.

Former Huskies investing in current Huskies!
Motivate...Believe...Let's go Blazers!!!!

TRMS track coming to an end. Thanks to everyone for another successful event.

TRMS track. So many staff working to make sure today runs smoothly.

TRMS track.

TRMS track getting ready for our 1st track meet on Monday, April 3rd @ home!!! Go Huskies! 💙

Thank you to our TRMS PTA for supporting our school with treats during this testing cycle.

Early morning TRMS cheer clinic warm-up for next week's tryouts!

Here are some pictures from solo and ensemble this morning. GO HUSKIES!

Here are some pictures from solo and ensemble this morning. GO HUSKIES!

Here are some pictures from solo and ensemble this morning. GO HUSKIES

7th grade met today to celebrate 2nd and 3rd quarter star students and to go over upcoming field trip expectations. We are looking forward to lots of good things in 7th grade 4th quarter!

Recognizing and celebrating some amazing 7th grade Huskies!