TRMS TAG gr 4 students welcomed to TRMS. Note how each group has a current TRMS student leader.
Walmart donations during teacher appreciation work. TRMS says thank you.
Fantastic TRMS orchestra concert!
Nike and Moonlight elementary visit TRMS today.
Mr Veatch loves fishing. See him sharing his passion with students last Saturday.
Gr Star gr 4 students visit TRMS. Please note our TRMS gr 5 students are the tour guides.
Students helping each other.
Gr7 enjoying PE. Note coach Hilton playing as well.
6th grade final fun Friday. Note our students working in the concession. This is our concession crew.
Gr 5 spring feaver. It's a great day to be Husky.
An example of TRMS students and kindness. Her peers help her daily due to being on crutches
Gr 7 students helping clean up after lunch. We have a lot of respect for Hugo.
TRMS walking taco for lunch. As always, fresh salad bar.
TRMS students putting up artwork in the halls.
TRMS PTA has served at least 600 donuts. We are not done yet. This is so much work. Again polite and positive interactions is what impresses me.
Great day for TRMS PTA. A donut for every student. This is a first! I hear thank you from all Huskies. Makes me proud when we raise polite kids.
Ms Thompson takes Mrs DeNoon's class to Relay for Life on our TRMS track.
Grand Star Elementary uses the TRMS track to celebrate Relay for Life. Mrs DeNoon's class participates.
TRMS yearbooks are still available.
6th grade volunteering at Grandstar today. Mrs Taylor Taylor's class.