Pictures from our TRMS PD last Tuesday. PD that was directly related to the mental wellness of our staff and students. SEL (social emotional learning).
TRMS lost and found.
TRMS wrestling practice coming to an end.
Getting ready for our second basketball game.
A collage of some of the abstract art pieces from the 8th grade project entitled "My Student Could Paint That!" Based on the documentary "My Kid Could Paint That". Thank you to Mrs Pahls, TRMS art teacher.
Thank you to Hugo, his team, and USD231 grounds for having TRMS ready for business.
SPIRIT WEAR FLASH SALE! Orders due Nov 30 for arrival Dec 15 (last day of semester). Order online here: (
TRMS PD today.
TRMS pics from Rockin the Ridge.
TRMS brag board. Pretty proud of our students.
Rockin the Ridge at TRMS.
Rockin the Ridge is today for TRMS gr 7 -8 students. Thank you to the City of Gardner.
TRMS Turkey contest in Gr 5.
Highlights from our 60's & 70's spirit day.... lots of participation with this one!
Highlights from our 60's & 70's spirit day.... lots of participation with this one!
Highlights from our 60's & 70's spirit day.... lots of participation with this one!
Mrs King's class says thank you to the TRMS PTA.
TRMS SIT (student improvement team). This is gr 7. Part of these meetings include implementing learning supports with follow up meetings to determine student success.
5th grade had a lot of fun with their "Disguise a Turkey" project. This is just a few of the creative ideas that the kids had! So much effort was put into all of them!